Recipe: Vegan White Russian Cocktail

Now that you’ve made your very own Coffee Liqueur, it’s time to turn it into a tasty libation. Stanley brings you the classic White Russian, but with a dairy-free twist. Vodka and rich vanilla coffee liqueur are chilled to perfection using the Stanley Adventure Happy Hour Cocktail Shaker and layered with creamy non-dairy milk, they’re easy on the eyes and delicious to the palate. 




  1. Put vodka, coffee liqueur, and ice into cocktail shaker.
  2. Shake for 45 seconds.
  3. In a cup, add ice and strain chilled vodka and coffee liqueur through cocktail shaker top.
  4. Pour non-dairy milk over the back of a spoon to layer the cocktail.
  5. Sprinkle with a dash of nutmeg and enjoy.




The Stanley brand has a rich 100+ year history. Born from inventor William Stanley Jr. who forever changed the way hot drinks were consumed, in 1913 he fused vacuum insulation and the strength of steel in one portable bottle, inventing the all-steel vacuum bottle we know and love today.