Keep Cool With Chilled Summertime Meals


It’s no secret that drinking plenty of fluids is crucial when summer temps start to rise, but chilled food can be a satisfying way to stay cool and maintain the energy you need.

Most people think of insulated food jars for hot items, but they’re great for keeping things chilled, too. They’re a creative way to beat the heat and reduce potential for food spoilage.

This summer, Stanley’s got your back with chilled meal ideas — and the best moments to enjoy them.

Dress up overnight oats with berries and other fruits for a Food Jar breakfast.


We love a steaming bowl of oatmeal, but there is a time and a place — and a hot, muggy morning is not it. Instead, consider overnight oats, an açaí bowl, or even a smoothie that’s too thick for a straw. In addition to lowering your core body temp, these foods are filled with water to help keep you hydrated as you start your day, whether it’s on the job or on the trail.

Keep it cool with: Classic Legendary Food Jar + Spork | 14 Oz

Detail we love: Includes a stainless-steel spork that fits securely into a bracket on the side.

Dine al fresco with your favorite chilled pasta salad in a Stanley Food Jar.


On a sunny day, nothing hits quite like bare toes on cool grass. Grab a buddy and head for the nearest lawn! But instead of packing a sandwich, may we suggest a chilled pasta salad, three bean medley, or cold soup? Hear us out! A chilled gazpacho or this tangy cucumber soup are simple to make and the flavors meld the longer it chills. Goodbye, sad sandwich!

Keep it cool with: Classic Legendary Food Jar | 24 Oz

Detail we love: Insulated lid doubles as cup.

Food Jar fruit salads are a party favorite.


Heading to a barbeque? Cool, bright-flavored sides make the perfect complement to grilled fare. Rather than bringing Party Size chips (actually, go ahead and bring those, too), bust out a refreshing mix of chilled melon or a stone fruit salad with mint and goat cheese. Don’t let the fussy-sounding ingredients fool you. These dishes come together in a snap and please a crowd.

Keep it cool with: Classic Legendary Food Jar | 1.0 Qt

Pro tip: Cool your jar with ice prior to filling for a frosty starting temp.

Have more tips on staying cool at mealtime? Share them with us by tagging @stanley_brand on Instagram!